Private WhatsApp service provider

Modified on Fri, 31 May at 5:35 AM

The Private Service Provider option empowers you to seamlessly integrate any WhatsApp service provider of your choosing, offering flexibility beyond the predefined options available in NotifyVisitors. While NotifyVisitors already incorporates a robust list of integrated WhatsApp service providers, we understand that your preferences might extend beyond this list.

If you aspire to engage with service providers not included in our default options, this guide is tailored for you. Selecting the Private Service Provider option provides you with the capability to add a service provider manually by completing a few essential fields. This process ensures a tailored and customizable integration experience, aligning with your specific business requirements and preferences.

Adding a private service provider

To seamlessly integrate a private WhatsApp service provider with NotifyVisitors, follow these steps:

Begin by accessing the "Settings" section within your NotifyVisitors account. Once there, select the "WhatsApp" option and then click on "Add Service Provider." to initiate the setup.

A new window, titled "Add Service Provider," will emerge, providing you with the necessary fields to configure your private service.

In the dropdown menu labeled "Select Service Provider," choose "Private WSP" to integrate a custom service provider not included in NotifyVisitors' default options.

Now, proceed to input vital API details essential for establishing a secure connection. 

1. Name: Start by specifying a distinctive name or identifier for the Private WSP configuration. This name will aid in easy identification and management within your NotifyVisitors account.

2. Endpoint URL: Enter the Endpoint URL, representing the web address provided by your Private WSP for efficient data exchange. This URL serves as the communication gateway between NotifyVisitors and the WhatsApp service.

3. Basic authentication: Add Basic Authentication by entering the credentials supplied by your private service provider. These credentials function as a secure key, ensuring that only authorized entities can establish a connection and exchange data.

4. Body type: Next, you'll encounter the "Body Type" section, which defines how data is structured and transmitted between NotifyVisitors and the private WhatsApp service provider. Choose between "Form Data" and "Plain Text" based on your provider's specifications.

- Form data: This format mirrors the conventional method of submitting data in HTTP requests, organizing information as key-value pairs. Select this option if your private WhatsApp service provider expects data in this structured format. Additional key-value pairs can be effortlessly added by clicking on the "Add More Field" button.

- Plain text: This straightforward format sends data as unformatted text, simplifying the data exchange process. To accommodate dynamic variables such as phone numbers, languages, or template names, simply select the desired token by clicking on "Choose Token". A liquid tag will automatically be incorporated into the body, streamlining the integration of dynamic variables.

5. Headers: Define any specific headers or authentication tokens required for secure and authorized communication with the Private WSP in the "Header" section.

Once all necessary information is accurately filled in, click "Save" to finalize the configuration. This action successfully adds your private service provider to your NotifyVisitors account, enabling you to utilize a custom WhatsApp service provider tailored to your specific needs.

Setting up delivery tracking configuration

Delivery tracking configuration is essential to receive delivery status reports for all the messages you send through your private WSP. These reports are valuable in tracking the progress of your messages and ensuring they reach your recipients.

Once you have added your WSP, click the callback icon (third icon) under the action column to configure delivery callbacks.

Once you click on it, a window for configuring delivery callbacks will popup, offering several configuration options.

To configure delivery callback, you have to go through a simplified three-step process:

Step 1: Integrate Delivery Tracking URL:

To start receiving WhatsApp delivery status updates, you must first set up the delivery tracking URL. We provide two options for this: configuring webhook via Partner Dashboard or including it in Send Message API request only.

Method A: Configure callback URL via Webhook

To establish delivery tracking via this method, begin the integration process by setting up the delivery tracking webhook endpoint within your service provider's dashboard. This specific NotifyVisitors URL is designated to receive delivery status reports from your WhatsApp service provider.

Please use the Webhook URL provided in your account for seamless integration:


The Webhook shown in the image is different for each account. Kindly use the one provided in your account.

With this method, you get two different options for integration - Via message ID or DLR Callback Reference.

1. Message ID:

Choose this option if you prefer to employ the Message ID as the reference for delivery tracking. The Message ID acts as a unique identifier assigned to each message, allowing the system to link and provide updates on the delivery progress, success, or any errors specific to that particular message when you integrate a delivery tracking URL. 

You have to provide the Message ID reference in both the Send Message API response and the Webhook data to map the delivery stats against each message.

2. DLR Callback Reference:

DLR (Delivery Receipt) callback reference option serves as an alternative identifier for tracking the status of a specific message's delivery. When you send a message through a WhatsApp service provider, the DLR callback reference allows NotifyVisitors to correlate and monitor the delivery status of that message.

You have to provide the “dlr-callback-reference” tag in the Send message API request and the Webhook data to map the delivery tracking with the messages.

Method B: Configure callback URL via API request

In this method, you have the option to directly set up the callback URL within the API request by utilizing the “dlr-callback-url” tag. This alternative approach offers greater flexibility and adaptability in configuring the delivery tracking mechanism.

Rather than configuring the callback URL via Webhook, you can include the “dlr-callback-url” tag directly within the body of your API request. This tag specifies the URL where delivery status updates will be sent.

To implement this method effectively, it's crucial to refer to the API documentation provided by your WhatsApp service provider. The documentation will offer detailed and specific instructions on how to incorporate the tags into the structure of your API request.

Step 2: Send test message

Once you've configured the delivery tracking URL, you can send a test message to make sure everything is working correctly. To do this, click the send test message button, and a popup window will appear asking you to add body data. Add the corresponding values and click on send.

Upon sending the test message, you will instantly receive a delivery status report from your service provider, including Message ID, delivery status, and more.

Step 3: Map desired attributes/fields in the delivery response

Lastly, you'll need to map specific fields, as illustrated in the image below.

Upon sending a test message, these fields will be included in the delivery callback response.

A. Map fields from API response

If you have utilized Method A with Message ID integration in Step 1 to configure your delivery callback URL, you must include the Message ID reference key received in the API response in this particular field.

B. Map fields from delivery response

In case you’ve integrated your delivery callback URL in Step 1 above using message ID or DLR callback reference, then you need to map the following fields in this section.

  • Message/Reference ID
  • Status
    • Delivered value
    • Read value
  • Mobile number
  • DLR callback reference

After completing these mappings, click the save button to finalize your delivery callback configuration. 

This delivery tracking configuration is a one-time process. Subsequently, when you create and send WhatsApp campaigns, you'll receive delivery responses for all messages, indicating success or failure, along with details on any errors or reasons for failure.

Sending WhatsApp campaigns via private WSP

To initiate WhatsApp campaigns through your private WhatsApp service provider (WSP), a crucial preliminary step involves creating a WhatsApp template and associating it with your chosen private WSP. Follow these steps for a seamless campaign setup:

Step 1: Create a WhatsApp template

First, create a Whatsapp template or if you require a step by step tutorial kindly refer to our comprehensive guide on "How to create a WhatsApp template." 

While in the template creation process, navigate to the "Select Service Provider" dropdown. Here, select “Private WSP” and then from the “Select Sub Service Provider” click on the name of the private WSP that you’ve added in the previous step.

This association ensures that the template is linked to your specific private service provider. Proceed to fill in the remaining details of the template and click "Save."

Step 2: Create a WhatsApp campaign

Follow our detailed guide on "How to create a WhatsApp campaign" to initiate a new campaign. After entering recipient details, select the WhatsApp template you created earlier with the private WSP. 

On the second page, the Content Page, you will observe that your private WSP is automatically integrated into the campaign. Confirm the details and proceed to send your campaign, which will now be routed through your private WhatsApp service provider.


It's essential to note that changing the service provider is not feasible within the WhatsApp campaign editor. Any changes to the service provider must be made by either editing the existing WhatsApp template or creating a new one.

WhatsApp Analytics

Upon sending a WhatsApp campaign through a private WhatsApp service provider, businesses can seamlessly access and analyze campaign analytics akin to regular WhatsApp campaigns. However, to facilitate this, it's imperative to ensure that delivery tracking is configured as outlined earlier in the process. By adhering to these configurations, businesses can gain valuable insights into campaign performance, enabling informed decisions and refined strategies for future messaging endeavors.


While NotifyVisitors already provides a diverse selection of WhatsApp service providers, businesses may have unique preferences that extend beyond these options. In such cases, integrating a private WhatsApp service provider offers unparalleled flexibility and customization, perfectly aligning with specific business needs and preferences. 

Following the outlined steps enables a seamless process of adding a custom service provider, configuring delivery tracking, and initiating WhatsApp campaigns tailored precisely to individual requirements.

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